Updated 28th June 2022

This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when we take photos/video.

DARKFIELD is registered as a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 (registration No. ZB012346 – DARKFIELD is committed to protecting your personal data and informing you of your rights in relation to that data. Accordingly, we will process your personal information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and this privacy notice is issued in accordance with the GDPR Articles 13 and 14.

You can email us at if you have any questions regarding your data.

  • We collect personal information in the form of your appearance, voice and distinguishing features through photoshoots and recording video, and we may also ask to collect identifiable data to allow us to track you in our systems, such as your name and contact details.

  • We use your photographs and/or video in our marketing materials related to the research, teaching and reputational promotion of DARKFIELD. Photographs and video may be published online, in print, used in promotional materials at events or in advertising and broadcast. We may share personal information with partner organisations where they are using data for compatible purposes. We may use your personal details to personalise photos/video we take of you but we’ll only include this if you agree to it. Otherwise we will only use your details to identify you within our system to help us ensure your right to erasure.

  • Image data may be retained in perpetuity as historical and archival records. Where image data is determined to be not appropriate for these purposes, it will be securely destroyed.

  • DARKFIELD may share your personal data between colleagues and departments who legitimately need access to that information in order to carry out their normal duties to pursue our legitimate interest. We may use third-party companies to collect and process data, including professional photographers, videographers, design agencies and printing and broadcast services. We may also share data with third parties where they use the data for purposes compatible with the purposes for which the information was originally collected, for example promotion. All third parties must sign a data agreement with us before being allowed to process data ensuring that they treat your data with care. Sometimes we may wish to pass on photographs and video to the press for wider publication in stories relating to DARKFIELD.

  • Under the GDPR we must establish a legal basis for processing your personal data and let you know what this is. It is in DARKFIELD’s legitimate interest to process your personal data for marketing and promotional purposes.

  • The GDPR provides you, as a data subject, with a number of rights in relation to your personal data. You have the right to:

    - Withdraw your consent where that is the legal basis of our processing
    - Access your personal data that we are processing
    - Have inaccuracies in the personal data that we hold about you rectified
    - Be forgotten
    - Request that the processing of your personal data be restricted
    - Obtain a copy of your personal data in a commonly used electronic form portability
    - Object to certain processing activities
    - Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about the way we process your personal data